That's right, 3 more of you are now official ASLT Apostles. It does take forever to do this. You would not believe it. Margo and I sitting in our local Penn Station with printed copies of your Apostlications marking on them and taking notes. Man, if I'd put this much time into my French homework last year, I might have deserved that B. Heh. Oh well. On to the new...WAIT! One more thing! In case you missed the memo, we have officially worked out our titles for this whatever it is we've started with the apostles...
margalite = mortal!Jesus, Part 1 of 2
alex_parker=divine!Jesus, Part 2 of 2
YES, this will make more sense later. We think you'll like what's coming. YES, this is all in good fun. NO, we don't think we're Jesus. YES, this part x of 2 is based on the whole duality of Christ thing...and if you happen to understand it properly, explain it to me, will you? NO, I'm not going to waste any more of your time with this intro...
Super-mega bonus points if you know what the cut text references. :P
Margo loves this statue.
Look, we gave you a kickass one!
I have so many John jokes waiting now...all the pictures I almost have NO IDEA. We may have to make everyone more icons just so I can make more for you.