Title: So It's Love, So It's Suicide
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: uhhh, Klaine is canon
Warnings: substance use
Word Count: ~2,5000
Summary: Blaine tells Kurt about California in the fall; Kurt thinks he can hear the leaves, the proof of the crumbling season bleeding into the earth again when Blaine says “Stanford.” Blaine says it just like that, Stanford, simple and quiet and small, like it’s easy - like it’s nothing. Kurt feels the guilt heavy on Blaine’s tongue when they kiss, and understands that Blaine knows it’s everything.
A/N: The title is taken, again, from a fragment of a Richard Siken poem, in which he says "so it's summer, so it's suicide, so we're helpless in sleep and struggling at the bottom of the pool," and the plan was to just write about the summer before their college year, but it grew, so I changed it. I changed a Richard Siken quote. If hell exists, I will probably go to it. Sorry, Mr. Siken, I'm really sorry.