Nov 13, 2004 12:01
friday night splendor:
rainy night + anthony not feeling well = quality erin time!
she picks me up.
pawnee calls = going to longwood.
call patrick = why not?
we go to king william (1.5 hour drive...)
and witness a near death experience because a dog decided to be cool and hang out in the middle of the road. at night. in the rain.
"all churchy-going and stuff..."
we hang out with him, adam, chris and "dustin the diabetic."
nice times.
they're cool kids. we all passed out around 3 after french toast and a lot of beer. blah blah blah...
patrick woke us up around 9.
work at 2.
same thing tonight.
post script: jeremy is back. for good. I KNEW IT.
breakfast on sunday?
"i've lost my fear of falling..."