let's get these teen hearts beating faster faster

Jan 31, 2007 12:10





I know this is way old news, it's been circling around for ages because of those previews... But now there's pictures... Not of that moment, but there's pictures, and pretty short hair, and sweaters, and oh my gosh I'm outfangirling myself, and I need to watch this, and also Rendezvous, and also The Message, and oh my goodness why is Australia so far behind I want it now dammit, and a synopsis...




Also: new icon. It's so cute. Two of my favourite things. Wentworth Miller and cupcake. YAIY!!! *flails*

Oh, and do you think I sometimes go overboard with the tagging? Hmmmm... I like to cross-reference everything for future use...  *spaz*

me: fangirl, him: wentworth miller, there: chicago, emotions: flails, them: sara/michael, ohmygosh, tv: prison break, her: sarah wayne callies, me: hyperventilates

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