Nov 25, 2006 11:56
So, I went to the beach yesterday with my friend Shantelle and her sister Candice, and we went swimming and then laid around in the sun for a while, and I got sunburnt.
It hurts and my shoulders are bright pink. So's my forehead. It hurts. It's awesome.
What am I doing today? Sitting at home alone in the air-conditioning. *nods*
I cut my hair not last night but the one before. Just a fringe (Or bangs - whatever you wanna call it) kinda like in the pic I posted the other day.
Also, me and Shan dyed our hair (just one of those 6-8 washes ones) but I like the colour, it's quite pretty. The box said "chocolate", so make what you will of that.
And now I'm gonna look for things... Yes yes.
I still have to buy Christmas pressies for people. And send out my flist cards. I'm gonna make them up today, and then send them on Monday.
there: the beach,
me: sunburnt,
the: shantelle,
me: like this isn't real