babysitting and other adventures

Jul 07, 2006 21:40

Right now I am babysitting a 2 year old who I just got to go to sleep on the couch (I read him Thomas the tank engine - that'd put me to sleep too!) I am currently on the internet (duh!) - Broadband! YAIY! But on an apple laptop - so pretty yet confusing to no end... I'm so used to my home PC. Laptops are one thing, but it's an apple!!! Eeeep!!!
I'm on the internet just checking my flist and thought I'd update cause I haven't done that in a while - just a random "this is me" post. So I thought I'd do that. Hopefully the typing isn't gonna wake him up cause it's 9:35pm and I want him to sleep!!!
Anyhwo... I'm waiting for Veronica Mars to come on (Ruskie Business - YAIY!) so I can go watch that, but Lord knows, Big Brother can't possibly end at the right time. Stupid Channel 10.
Ummm... Oooh, I'm working on Sunday! FINALLY!!! I won't be poor anymore! And it's double time. Or time and a half, I'm not sure. I think time and a half, probably. And then I'm working all day Thursday also. Yaiy again! WORK!!! I love work! Hopefully I'm working wiht good people and hopefully I'll remember how to do everything since I haven't worked in about a month and can't think of half the things that I'm supposed to do... Hmmm... Conundrum...
What else? I might be getting my hair cut tomorrow, we'll see - I'm not sure...
Ummm... That Stargate Post that I said I would do, I'mtypingit up at home, complete with pictures and quotes and squee and general goodness...
Also, My computer at home has been Blue Screen of Deathing me. MEAN!
Hmmm... Veronica Mars will be on soon, and I think I hear a small child moving... Not good. Go to sleep, Conoor!!! SLEEP!!!
That is all...

Stargate post will be up soon, and tomorrow (yeah, yeah, i know) the last 2 parts of Shannon's (celtic-sky) bday pressie will be up.I promise... Kinda... I hope. Hmmmm... We'll see. The small child has given me a headache...


tv: veronica mars, it's the day of your birth!, this: babysitting

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