I know it's taking me ages to get my Supanova pictures up, But I just realised it's nearly May and I haven't finished my
truthsome_fic fic. So, here's a shortened version: (with not as much picspam, cause I've found out that my camera sucks.)
Day 1
So, I got there at about 12-ish, and went straight to the conference room, where they had the talks, cause it was getting heaps busy. And, oh my goodness, there were so many people, I was standing at the back, next to the speaker. But I could still kinda see her. A little bit.
Someone asked something about how she would play River as a normal, and not insane girl (after the movie, when she's normal).
Summer: I don't really see River as being "insane".
Then, someone asked how the training was.
Summer: It was horrible and I never wanna do it again.
What her favourite blooper (featuring her) was...
Summer: Maybe kicking Sean in the face. He has such a pretty face.
She then admitted to having the biggest crush on Sean, (cause he's so pretty) and she was especially embarrassed when she had to try and convince him (Simon) to marry her (River) in the deleted scene in "Our Mrs Reynolds".
She told about her favourite gag. The monkey that Nathan stole. Too funny.
Someone asked her about the whole "SUMMER!!!" thing. She said that Nathan's like a big brother, he's a big bully, but she knows it's his way of saying that he loves her. And that everytime she hears her name shouted angrily, she feels good inside, and loved. Awww.
In the line for her signature... Hmmm... I waited for a while, but that's okay. She was so sweet, and I was shaking as I gave her the photo to sign, I was that nervous. Eeep!
boi4eliza, she said that she missed you, after I said that you couldn't make it. Yaiy for you!
I got the Lilac heist pointy photo signed for me, and she wrote "no power is the verse...". She has such pretty writing... Yes...
Then I met up with
celtic_sky, who gave me Sg-1 Season 9 & 'Lantis Season 2! How sweet is she? Yaiy!!! Then we went and got lunch, and talked, which pretty much involved me squeeing over Summer and us chatting fandom. Very fun.
Then I was wandering for a while, and I saw two girls in What Would Joss Do? t-shirts. Those were awesome.
torificus &
eclipsed_sky, who I met later that night.
I went back to the JB Hi-Fi desk (where she was) but I was looking at the DVDs, and I kept walking, and I was looking at the Wonder Woman DVDs, and then I hear "Wait, I wasn't looking." and I look up and this guy gets another photo with her cause she wasn't looking for the first one. How sweet is she? I know.
Anywho, I didn't realise how close I was standing to her, until I looked up a minute later and she was just looking at me looking at the Wonder Woman DVDs, smiling. OMG! *is dead* Yeah, that's right, she smiled at me. I think she might've thought that I was stalking her. Maybe...
After another walk around, (Comic book & Gamer boys need to shower! Seriously, YOU NEED TO SHOWER AND PUT ON DEODERANT AT LEAST ONCE A DAY!!! IT'S FOR THE GOOD OF EVERYONE! PLEASE!?!?) the dude with the microphone (Yes, that is, indeed, his name.) said that the line was dwindling down, and that Summer was gonna leave if there was no one left. So I went back and she remembered me from earlier, and I gave her a little letter saying that she's awesome and whatnot, and she said thanks about a million times for it. She's so sweet.
Then I walked to the Train station for food. Yaiy, food!
The Serenity Screening
Waiting in line, I met
rophuine, &
bitter_moss who made the three hours bearable. We didn't have tickets, but we waited and got in anyway. When Summer arrived, we were all sitting on the steps, and she walked past,
eclipsed_sky said Hi, and Summer said Hello back, and that made her night. Yaiy!!!
Summer's intro was pretty much a really short Q&A, but still good. She was so pretty, and I snuck down the side aisle and took a couple photos.
Then she left, and we watched the movie. (But the cinema delayed it for a while, for some reason. I don't know why.)
Then I had to leave slightly early, and Kat, I owe you $20, I need your address, so I can give it to you!!! lol. Eeep!!!
But on the way home (to my friend's place, where I was staying) I missed the connecting train, and had to wait a half hour at Central. Then caught the 12.05am train, filled with drunk 15 yr olds. (Where do they get the alcohol? Who sells it to them? The hell? Seriously.)
Day Two
Got up early to go, waited at train station for a half hour or so. Then got there at about 9ish. Waited in line for ages. Saw people dressed up. Will post pics later.
Ummm... Got inside, walked around for a while. Saw eljays from last night.
amritsar as Simon, Bec as Kaylee,
eclipsed_sky as Homeles River,
torificus as Inara, and
rophuine as... himself.
Talking, then
eclipsed_sky saw Summer upstairs in the Green Room looking down at the crowd, etc. We waved, she waved back. Walked around with them for a while. Saw Summer in the Green Room again... Not stalkers, we promise.
Random photo of
amritsar. I don't know why I have this...
Went into the conference room thingy early... FRONT ROW BABY!!! (Woohoo!!!) Saw Patrick Kake's talk. (General Oreious - the Centaur - from Narnia)Asked him question. He is tall. And has a hot accent.
More people (a bazillion) came in. Summer came in.
Someone asked about why Nathan wears the kilt.
Summer: Why why why?
Then she mentioned that someone else on set liked kilts also, so Nathan and the other guy would make it so that one day a week they would wear a kilt to work. She thoguht it was Friday. Friday is kilt day.
Someone asked about guest stars, or something... (I can't remember exactly. Shoot me.)
Summer said that the cast always made sure that their guest stars were looked after and felt like part of the family.
Summer: We wanted them to love us as much as we love us.
Someone else went on a tangeant on what they think Book is... an Operative, or whatever. They were talking for ages. Funniest answer ever. She was just silent for a moment, then:
Summer: That's a good theory, y'all.
Then we (the eljays and I) went to get Summer's autograph, casue they didn't have it yet. She rememebered me again. (YAIY!)
Summer signing a What Would Joss Do? shirt for
Summer signing, with
amritsar, &
So then we got food, and wandered more. Geeks are fun. Geeks, in large numbers, who don't shower, in a cramped space, are not. Heh. And one last sweep over Summer's table, and they ahd to leave. *sniff sniff* But it was such a fun day and it was awesome!
I stayed around for a bit longer, and then went back to Summer (You guys totally knew I would, right?) 'cause there was no one in her line, and I said "I swear I'm not stalking you." She smiled. (Yep, she definitely thought I was stalking her.) And I gave her this little pewter angel that says "Hope" on its wings. It comes in a little blue bag that says "Hope" on it, so you can't tell waht's inside. She was all "Really? Are you sure?" (SWEETIE!!!) And she's all "It's heavy" as she's opening it. And then she opens it, sees the angel, and is all "Awww. That's so sweet. Thank you." And she just sounded so genuine, and I nearly cried, cause she's so sweet. And then she said that it'd be her guardian angel and that she'd take it with her on the set of her next movie, The Initiation of Sarah, because she's going to Louisiana, and apparently that's a scary place, or something. But we were talknig for a while and she's so sweet and she thanked me again for the angel and the letter and she kissed me on the cheek and I nearly died. And then I just floated home on a cloud.
So, All in all, the weekend was AWESOME! She's so sweet and nice, and I nearly died. So it was good. The end.
Stargate Casting for Season 10 here:
(Bite me, I can't be bothered to do a real linky link)
http://www.gateworld.net/news/2006/04/morenabaccarinisadria.shtmlMORENA!!!!!!!!!!! YAIY!!! Great, now I'm gonna have to get broadband, aren't I?
Oh, and my Supanova pics will be up at Summer's official site ( www.summerglau.co.uk ) soon. YAIY!!! Go me! Also, I'll be transcribing her talks as soon as the podcasts are up at the Supanova site, and they'll be at Summer's site, too.
Oh, and Shannon, I haven't had a chance to watch Stargate yet, but as soon as I do, be prepared for masses of Glee!!!