oh my gosh, i am sooooo bored of exams... the hsc sucks. but you know, a girl has to do what a girl has to do... 2 down, 4 to go. i've got maths (2.5 hrs) on monday, english x (1.5 hrs) the following monday, ancient history (3 hrs) on tuesday, and drama (1.5 hrs) 9 days after that on firday.
and i've joined a gym... well, kinda, it's like a shop-a-docket thingy - $30 for 30 days. so i'm going EVERY day!!! i'm getting my money's worth.
and then dad said the dumbest thing. he said if i lose 10 kilos, then he'll give me $1 for the first kilo then double it for every other kilo... so that's:
1kg - $1
2kg - $2
3kg - $4
4kg - $8
5kg - $16
6kg - $32
7kg - $64
8kg - $128
9kg - $256
10kg - $512
and then i just yelled "DEAL!!!" and he's all like, "no, i take it back" then mum said if i lose 10 kilos, then mum's making dad give me $512!!!! wow! yaiy!!! i will no longer be poor! and i've already lost a kilo and i've been doing it since monday (like tredmill and excercise bike...)
the thing i've learned from this is,
1. dad will always talk THEN think. this is a good thing.
2. never do the stair-master. it is the devil. it will try to kill you if you touch it. never touch it. never.
that is all.
also: if no one knew already... (i only just found out) the lovely claudia black is.....
pregnant.... how exciting... (for her, obviously) - she was at some Hollywood Pre-Emmy Brunch thing (i dunno?)
and she looks so good!
there's pictures at the terra firma forums... here:
http://terrafirmascapers.com/index.php?topic=4001.msg33845#msg33845 Hey, and
The Alice is finally back on this week, at 10:35pm! (randomest time EVER!)
that's all. i should go study for maths now.... but i don't want to. but i probably should...