i wont say anything at all.

Nov 03, 2006 23:27

i never wanted anything that had to deal with you, to hurt me again.

our friendship has totally vanished. and i knew that it was going to way before you left. all i tried to do is what you told me to. to stay in touch. but you know what? obivously you dont give a shit about any of us over here. NONE of us. and i was the only one keeping it together too. hey, maybe it's my fault. i dont know. who knows anymore.

it's nice to just hear somebodys voice every once in awhile. i thought i would be a good thing to call you and see whats up. i bet i'm the only fucking person from this place other than your girlfriend & sister that call you too. but guess what? I DONT FUCKING CARE ANYMORE? want to know why? because you are a totally different person.

so i will treat you like one.

i don't talk to strangers.
& that's what you are to me so.

maybe robert will come back someday.
that would be nice.
i miss him.

"best friend".

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