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Nov 13, 2008 13:06

Did anyone save my newbie guide from before? I want to update it.

So, these "teevee" things suddenly started working, and while I'm not familiar with the technology here, I think it'd e best to see if there are any other programs or if there's a way to keep it on at all.

I've got some time to jot down a few notes, so I'm going to leave these here for you guys.

1. The Reporters.
Hope Henderson - Weather
Molly Krantz - Local News
Steven Gordon - Monster Reports

There's a lot to consider with these three around, and a lot of questions that need to be asked. How did they manage to set up a working broadcast? Where are they? Was this live? And if they're really actual people and not some crazy illusion made by the scientists, then how many other natives are still around? Are the reporters involved with the scientists? If that's the case, this may just be the scientists humoring us.

2. The Satellite.
The report pretty much clears any doubt that Accido isn't just a neighboring territory, but a rival of Discedo as well, involved and more than likely responsible for bringing on the Atropos Virus to this city originally. Even though Discedo's been trashed, Accido may very well still be out there. And, check this out -- Ms. Krantz referred to Discedo as a nation. (Granted, she may just be refering to the country that we're in, but it gives us insight to the geography and general territory lines of ths country as a whole.) I think this calls for a border search. With less chips, this time.

3. Monsters.
While the dogs are going down for the count, Poe (what the heck are those?) are starting to spread throughout the apartment buildings. Has anyone noticed them? Are they attacking? And even if they aren't, wouldn't it be smart to set up guard inside of the apartment building for this kind of thing? There are tons of people living in those buildings, guys -- an emergency crew should be posted at all times. I mean, common sense, right? I haven't kept up with a lot of the police news, but if they don't set up teams for it, would anyone want to help me start them?

I'm trying to get more information from everyone else on how "teevee" works, so if anyone can give me a heads up, let me know.

uh guys wtf, monsters, news report, no srsly., common sense is uncommon in discedo, teevee, satellite

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