This'll probably get me on a watch list somewhere.
"enhanced pat downs" I mentioned earlier are, by the way, a violation of the Fourth Amendment (protection against unreasonable search and seizure, for those who don't know). They're unquestionably government-sanctioned sexual assault on a mass scale.
We give up a little more of our legally-protected rights every god damned day in the name of "being safe".
Well, you fuckers, wake up. I don't feel safe right now, not one little bit, and neither should any of you. And the people I don't feel safe from are making the laws in this country, not breaking them. I'm not afraid of the criminals and I'm not afraid of the terrorists, because you know what? They've already won. They have changed the way America thinks. They hate America because of what we stand for? That's what we were told, after all, wasn't it? Except since we were told that, what we stood for has evaporated in the burning light not of terrorism, but of the fear of terrorism.
We've come so far that we will allow uniformed men to fondle us, to molest our infant daughters, in the name of safety, just to travel from one state to another.
When the fuck are we going to wake up? I'm terrified that it'll be after we've given up our ability to change it.