Roswell Fan Fiction - One More Reason to Envy Max Evans

Aug 27, 2012 19:21

Title: One More Reason to Envy Max Evans
Rating: T
Pairing: Liz Parker/Michael Guerin
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own, no matter how much I wish I did.

Summary: A one-shot Michael POV about Liz's missing journal.

"It's nice to know we have at least one friend in this town," he says with practiced flippancy, but the words are heavy in his throat, and she catches it, hesitates.  Deciding whether he is being sarcastic or not.

He feels a little bit guilty for taking her journal, and also for reading the stuff about Max, but he had to know. Was she going to turn on them?  Did she realize how precarious their situation was? Could they trust her?

He knew Max did. Max wanted too. It was so far the only thing he knew of that Max openly wanted. The only thing worth risking the careful facade. He had been noticing Max notice Liz Parker almost as long as he had known him. So it was surprising, but not, Max making the split second decision in the Crashdown that day.

He still thought it was a hell of a risk to take. He would rather be a stone wall, than be caught up in feelings that could cause him to do something stupid. There had certainly never been a chick important enough to him to expose their secret. Max was different though, when it came to Liz Parker he wore his stupid alien heart on his sleeve.

Max's irrational Liz Parker daydreams had blinded him into taking a stupid risk that could still put all three of them in danger. So he had to do something. Even if Max was being dismissive, and telling them not to worry. Max was not fooling anyone when he said that nothing had changed and that he was not getting too involved.   He had busted Max on several occasions lingering and trying to bump into Liz Parker in the hallways between classes.  Michael could not get into her head like Isabel, or see into her soul with one touch, but thievery was right up his alley.

As he flipped through the numerous pages about how Max's hands had felt on her (barf), and the visions she could not get out of her head, he kept stopping on certain words, sentences, paragraphs.

If Max wore his heart on his sleeve, Liz’s bled in ink. Did she actually think they were amazing?  He said it out loud remembering the way she always pronounced the g’s at the end of her words.  Amazing.  That was one adjective that never been used to describe Michael Guerin.

Ok, maybe she was mostly talking about Max, and as usual he and Isabel's fates were just tagging along. It was like everything else, Max at the center, and he and Isabel perpetually in orbit around him. Even if, he had been the one to save her life, he doubted a girl like Liz Parker would be contemplating every minute detail, and every word exchanged with him. It was typical, a tug and pull, and you were in Max's trajectory whether you wanted to be or not.

Although Liz clearly wanted to be, there were no lines to read between the words she had chosen to write down.  If she saw Max as something extraordinary, as opposed to green and covered in tentacles, maybe there was a good chance she would keep her mouth shut about who they really were.

When she tries to apologize for being careless with their secret he knows it is because she gets what is at stake, not just for Max, but for all of them.  He says something goofy and sentimental, surprising himself at how easily he has let his guard down.

When he asks her not to tell Max he knows that his instincts about trusting her are right.  She smiles at him that way, like they are friends, which is more than he deserves, but he hasn't got too many, so he'll take it.

fan fic, roswell

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