That question meme thing

Aug 20, 2005 10:35

Since everybody else seems to be answering it...

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet darkfaith_bloom? My first awareness of her was of her keeping the entire household awake all night by making my mother scream a lot. And then she started screaming in her turn. And then our governess ushered us in to see Maman and our "new little sister", and there she was, a tiny little pink thing with golden curls that cried a lot.
2.~What would you do if you had never met slyth_pansy? Well, I'd be painting one less freebie betrothal portrait for starters.
3.~What do you honestly think of sirius_unveiled? That he's mad, bad and dangerous to know. And also my cousin who I love very much and would like to see acquitted of all the false charges against him.
4.~Would or did parkinson_pere and le_roux go out? Somehow I can't see it, unless Horatio were to start looking a lot more like either Draco or Lucius.
5.~Have you ever liked banks_chloe? Banks has always been perfectly polite and courteous towards me, so yes. Chloe on the other hand looks at me as if she wishes the ground would open and swallow me up.
6.~If auror_moody2 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? Er... that we're on the same side, no matter who my sisters are?
7.~Would de_jugson and justharry1 make a good couple? I can't see it. Unless Harry likes really kinky sex with lots of bottom pinching, and if so I'd really rather not know. Though, if true, I suppose that could be my answer to #12.
8.~Describe teddy_tonks in 3 words: My darling snugglebunny.
9.~Do you think chrysanthea is hot? I tried to make her look as if she was when I painted her portrait.
10.~Would auror_moody2 and rab_the_strange make a lovely couple? I don't think there's a love potion strong enough. They're on opposite sides of the law for starters.
11.~What do you think of when you see le_roux? His family, mostly. I have a sneaking suspicion that they're not any happier about his friendship with the Malfoys than Ted and Dora are with mine.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about just_harry1: I hardly know the boy. And I'm sorry, but I don't tell tales.
13.~Do you know any of mumweasley's family members? I saw her husband Arthur and their twins just the other day. Her eldest son is currently staying with us for the weekend.
14.~What's barclay_mw's favorite color? I haven't the foggiest notion. But I'd imagine he's rather bored with white, he must wear so much of it in his line of work.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is reeta_skeeta? Zero. Bold, pushy journalists don't do a thing for me.
16.~What would you do if weasley_primus just professed their undying love for you? Assume that he'd mistaken me for my daughter. And start wondering just what kind of sex games they get up to. (Not that they're likely to be playing sex games at all, Ted. I'm sure that they've not progressed beyond a bit of kissing and hand holding. Really I am.)
17.~What language does parkinson_pere speak? Upper class English, with aspirations to being of more ancient lineage than he actually is.
18.~Who is nott_senior going out with? He plays his cards very close to his chest, that one. I'm not sure he's actually been seen with anyone since the death of his wife, but that doesn't mean that there hasn't been anyone.
19.~Is bumblebee_white a boy or a girl? Well, unless he's been keeping a very big secret for the past 150-odd years, I think it's pretty certain that Headmaster Dumbledore is indeed a man.
20.~Would tonks_007 and weasley_primus make a good couple? They certainly seem to think so, and who am I to disagree?
21.~Who do you think aunt_laetitia would be great with from this list? Well, she certainly seemed to have her eye on that Dieter fellow.
22.~When was the last time you talked to chrysanthea? Some time during Draco and Pansy's betrothal party week.
23.~What is banks_chloe's favorite band? As the perfect servant, I'm sure that he wouldn't care to express an opinion on the subject. She probably would, but it would be under her breath and in French.
24.~Does de_jugson have any siblings? Merlin, I hope not. Particularly if bottom pinching is a family trait.
25.~Would you ever date mumweasley? It's complicated enough with her eldest son dating my daughter. Besides, she's not my type.
26.~Would you ever date teddy_tonks? Er, we kind of skipped the dating bit and went straight to marriage.
27.~Is aunt_laetitia single? Nowadays, yes. But I believe she's a widow, and there were rumours this summer that she might have been having a bit of a dalliance with that Dieter fellow.
28.~What is barclay_mw's last name? Just a wild shot in the dark. Barclay.
29.~What is tonks_007's middle name? Look, haven't I apologised enough for not giving her one? Why does everybody keep going on and on about it?
30~What is sirius_unveiled's fantasy? I don't think I dare ask. But it probably involves a certain werewolf of our mutual acquaintance.
31.~Where does bumblebee_white live? Allegedly at Hogwarts. Though it's frequently impossible to find him in his study when you want to get hold of him, so who actually knows? Is there a branch of Sock Shop in Dufftown?
32.~Would you make out with darkfaith_bloom? My sister? Well, I'd like to get along with her but that's taking things a trifle too far, don't you think?
33.~Are slyth_pansy and mumweasley best friends? Considering what I've heard of the way that Draco and Pansy and their pals view the Gryffindors in their year, I doubt they're friends with Ron, let alone his mother.
34.~Does teddy_tonks like barclay_mw? I doubt they even know each other. We can't afford Harley Street doctors.
35.~How did you meet tonks_007? That would be just after I gave birth to her, shortly after the midwife smacked her gently to make her cry, and shortly before I managed to move my thoughts along from "Oh my god, the pain, I'm never going through that again" to "Oh, she's beautiful, it was all worth while."
36.~Is chrysanthea older than you? I'm not really sure. When a witch reaches a certain age it's difficult to tell, and her daughter is younger than mine. But she acts more middle aged, that's for sure.
37.~Is rab_the_strange the sexiest person alive? Not to me. I only have eyes for my Teddy.

meme, as_reference, biography

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