(no subject)

Sep 15, 2008 14:17

Dom and I had a bit of a shock hit a little over a week ago -- I went to fill a new bc prescription, and picked up a pregnancy test on a whim. Lo, the prescription is now pointless, because we're expecting baby #2 next spring -- I'm six weeks pregnant.

It's not planned -- we were intending to give it another year before trying for a second child -- but we've already embraced it wholeheartedly and are starting to prep Will to be a big brother. I had my first prelim appointment with the nurse this morning, and my due date is VERY tentatively set at May 9th; this may change after my first ultrasound in October. It's still very early, and I am constantly fighting off paranoia that something will go wrong (even though there's been no miscarriage scare yet, like I had with my first). I'm back on the vitamins and supplements and no more than one soft drink a day, at least, so hopefully all will go well.

Also, I know of at least three people on my flist who are either trying or not actively preventing a pregnancy, and I feel kind of like a heel for this; it's out of my control, yes, but I'm Southern, and thus I still feel guilty about making such an announcement when I know others are trying and we weren't.
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