(no subject)

Jan 14, 2008 13:45

Ah, infant separation anxiety.

Will's been moody the last week or two -- waking up in the middle of the night, screaming bloody murder, having random little tantrums in the middle of the day. He's still a very happy little boy, most of the time, and generally pretty laid back, but he's starting to understand the merit of a good tantrum, *wry look*. I can't leave the room without him screaming as if I'm killing him, and now that he's learned how to pull himself to his feet and raise an arm to indicate he wants to be picked up, it's kind of half amusing and half exasperating.

He's back to sleeping through the night, again, at least, even if getting him to nap is like pulling teeth sometimes. And speaking of, he's got a third tooth coming in, so I have to elude and evade every time he grabs my fingers, or else he'll chomp a hole in me.

New pictures to come, when I finally get a chance to finish my formatting...
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