I keep trying to get to responding to comments on the last two posts, but this week has been pretty hectic. And I found something today that had to be shared here and raged over here.
First, it starts with this. Then, this study. I have no response to the first link that isn't blind, frothing rage. I can already hear a specific subset of men ("I'm not a misogynist! I love women! Who are scantily clad and sexually available and put up with all my bullshit!") claiming It's a joke, you feminists are taking this too seriously, lighten up!
Just. Fucking. No.
Not when it's to this degree. I recognize that, for a lot of people (male and female), there's a certain level of off-color jokes that's all right, and usually even harmless -- a book I read put it really well: "Mockery, done without prejudice or discretion, can be a form of respect." But this isn't in that range of loving, tongue-in-cheek mockery because this isn't mockery at all. It's not a joke, it's not meant to be a joke. And even if it was, it's not fucking funny.
How long has it been now that this image of the feminist as not only a militant, all-men-are-worthless (also, when did veganism start being a "feminist" thing as opposed to a health or animal rights thing?) kind of woman, but also that they can be cured by a really good man? No, listen, because I'm only going to say this once: Being a feminist does not necessarily mean that you hate men, nor that you'll never fall in love or get married. But if you are a feminist, you're probably going to fall in love with a man who is also a feminist. And an actual one, not a guy who buys you a shirt that says FEMINIST -- someone who agrees with you about this thing that absolutely should be normal.
You know, that also pisses me off, on behalf of most of the guys I know -- this assumption that men are only ever interested in women for sex and would never actually agree with her about women's rights. Shit, my brother (who is happily married) gets even more vehemently involved in protesting the war on women than his wife does -- because when he says that he loves and respects women, he actually means it.
(And, an aside, that's probably one of the reasons he's happily married while the assholes in sheep's clothing mentioned above are still bemoaning how all women are bitches who don't ~understand~ them. No, guys, we do, in fact, fucking understand you. That's why we treat you like you're an asshole. It's because you are assholes.)
But you know why I'm really concerned, as well as pissed off? It's that second link. Granted, in the interest of impartiality, it is only one study, and with only one study supporting a result, it can't be claimed as fact -- but it's still alarming as shit. When these magazines are using the same language as convicted rapists there is a hell of a fucking problem.
Apparently, it's not just the teenage girls who need better role models. It's the boys, too, lest they grow up thinking this kind of bullshit is perfectly all right or, God forbid, that women want that kind of man boy. Boy.
Anyone who buys into this shit is not a mature adult, and frankly, I want nothing to do with them.