This is technically a thirty-day meme but I'm impatient and. Yeah. I stole this from
phoenixblaze. <3
Day 1 - Your favourite FF game.
Toss-up between XII and VIII. VIII will always have a place in my heart, because it was my first Final Fantasy, and I've always kind of wanted to grow up to be Rinoa.
Day 02 - Your least favourite Final Fantasy game.
Well. I've never played II or XI, so I guess we'll go with either of those. Of the ones that I've played... hmm. I was never that enamored with IX, and I've said before that I find the gameplay of X to be head-breakingly frustrating, but I like the plot and characters too much to choose that for "least favorite".
Day 03 - Your favourite Final Fantasy theme/song.
J-E-N-O-V-A. It's so high-energy and chaotic and cool.
Day 04 - Your favourite Final Fantasy party from your favourite game.
Squall -- Rinoa -- Selphie. No one ever uses Selphie, which is one of the reasons I like to use her. Plus, her limit break is a total game-breaker if you know how to swing it right. In XII, Ashe -- Vaan -- Balthier. I shouldn't have to justify this one.
Day 05 - Your favourite Final Fantasy City/Town.
Hmm. I'll have to go with Midgar. If you ask me, all of the best parts of VII take place in Midgar (read: Cloud in drag) and it's the most comprehensive, realistic city in the whole series. It's big, it's got good parts and bad parts, it's big, it's more than just a conglomeration of shops, it's big, the whole Shinra building infiltration is fun as hell (and I always choose to take the stairs, just to piss Barret off)...
Day 06 - Favourite part of your favourite Final Fantasy game.
In VIII, it's the whole ending of the first disc. I just love the feel of that section, with Edea's parade and the rushing through the sewers and Rinoa's sidequest and. I know a lot of people don't like it, but I enjoy the hell out of it. In XII, it's the Pharos, full stop. I love me some dungeon crawling, and that is dungeon crawling in the purest form.
Plus, the music rocks my face off. Also! The below-levels, because I love challenging parts of games and holy hell is the Pharos Penumbra a bitch.
Day 07 - Least favourite part of your favourite Final Fantasy game.
In VIII, it's that damn prison level. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the stupid D-District Prison. In XII, it's the Dreadnaught Leviathan. There's nothing in particular I disliked about it, it just never clicked with me.
Day 08 - Favourite Chocobo Version.
VII. Because racing chocobos is awesome. Less awesome is breeding them. D:
Day 09 - Favourite Moogle Version.
IX! They're so adorable in that game.
Day 10 - Best Final Fantasy scene ever.
Oh, man. I don't know! Toss-up between CLOUD IN DRAG and the whole ending sequence of X. The former because it's probably the single most hilarious scene in all of gaming (not to mention, because Aeris is spending the whole time cracking her shit up and milking it for all it's worth), the latter because it's heartrending and it will make you sob like an infant.
Day 11 - Final Fantasy game that disappointed you.
X. Not because of the plot -- which I found to be one of the strongest in the series -- but because I hated the gameplay to the point that I can't even finish it.
Day 12 - Final Fantasy game you’ve played more than 5 times.
VIII. I've beaten that game every which way from Sunday, with Holy Wars, without Holy Wars, I've gotten every single card (twice in one play-through, even), I've beaten every single sidequest (except the Queen of Hearts and the chocobo one because those quests are dumb), I've maxed out every stat (except luck, because that just is not worth it), I've beaten the bonus bosses, I've gotten the t-shirt. Once upon a time, there was literally nothing I couldn't do in that game.
Day 13 - Your favourite version of Cid.
Cidolfus Demen Bunansa, because he's evil and actually not crazy like everyone thinks. He really is just speaking to someone that no one else can see. Plus, he's Balthier's father, which makes him awesome by default.
Day 14 - Favourite Final Fantasy male character.
BALTHIER. End of discussion. (Although Locke is a close second.)
Day 15 - Favourite Final Fantasy female character.
Toss-up between Rinoa and Ashe. Rinoa because she's headstrong and flawed and beautifully human, Ashe because she kicks ungodly amounts of ass. OH AND TERRA HOW COULD I FORGET TERRA. I love Terra, because she's so unsure and strong. Oh, man, also Beatrix from IX, because she completely trounces your party, she's so no-nonsense, and downright cool.
Day 16 - Your favourite Final Fantasy limit break.
Mmm... Let's go with Angelo. Just because it's totally hilarious in each and every way.
Day 17 - Favourite Final Fantasy mini game.
Triple Triad, easy. Fun, with great rewards, and totally optional.
Day 18 - Favourite Final Fantasy opening sequence.
The whole Zanarkand scene in X. Throws you right into the story without a hint of a clue as to what's happening, completely destroys the protagonist's home, and then spits you into an entirely other world before you've had a chance to catch your breath.
Day 19 - Best Final Fantasy outfit.
Terra's, or possibly Rydia's. The Amano designs are awesome.
Day 20 - Best Final Fantasy hair.
Seymour. That is a bald-faced lie. Let's go with Squall, because it makes me laugh to think of him breaking out the hair gel in the middle of the mission.
Day 21 - Favourite Final Fantasy pairing/ship.
SQUALL/RINOA. I've been shipping it for thirteen years and I will never stop. Also, Ashe/Balthier because I love me some Princess + the Thief.
Day 22 - Favourite Final Fantasy summon.
I've always been a fan of Shiva, in all of her incarnations.
Day 23 - Least Favourite Final Fantasy mini game.
Blitzball. Need I say more?
Day 24 - Best Final Fantasy quote.
"This is the part where you swear your undying hatred for me!" -Seifer Almasy, Final Fantasy VIII
Day 25 - Final Fantasy game you plan on playing (old or new).
All of them? I'm dying to replay XII, but I can't find my copy of it. I'm almost to the point of buying a new one.
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Final Fantasy moment.
Necron. I still have no idea who or what the hell that was.
Day 27 - Best Final Fantasy storyline.
X. Hands down. The whole concept of hope being a bad thing is fascinating, and the parallels to the Catholic Church circa about 1500 AD, and the characters -- particularly Yuna -- and their reactions to living in this cycle of death and destruction that supposedly can't be stopped, but they're still going to try, dammit... It's also got the fewest weird moments where you go "wait, what?" I love Final Fantasy VIII, but the whole "we're all from the same orphanage but magically forgot it" thing strains the suspension of disbelief somewhat.
Day 28 - First Final Fantasy game obsession.
VIII. I once spent a whole summer getting to perfect on that game, and I think I still have the memory card with that save somewhere around the house. That's the one that I managed to get all of the cards, twice. Yeah.
Day 29 - Current Final Fantasy game obsession.
Don't have one. :( XII has been something of an obsession ever since I picked it up, though. I can't help it, it's just so much fun.
Day 30 - Saddest Final Fantasy character death.
Uh, duh? Tidus, no question.