Oct 21, 2008 12:20
Okay so hopefully you're clearly all aware that I'm still alive
Hello! *waves*
It has been...a hectic few weeks, as I imagine it is for most normal people and crazed college students. We've got six weeks left in the semester, I'm severely over caffinated, and getting told to eat better by more than my family (love you too stormweaver!)
The good news is I accidently did some work early because I kinda got confused when I looked at my calander, so I've got a few weeks with a little less to do, but still seemingly no time on my hands. Once Halloween is over it's all going to go very quickly.
My last football game (ever *sobs*) is in two weeks, which will be a stressor in and of itself because my entire family has decided this is the game everyone wants to go to and no one gets along (oh I can't wait)
Meanwhile my stalker may have finally gotten the hint, but I'm not really sure she wants to sit down and have a chat, excuse me for not being quite inclined to do such a silly thing. *shakes head*
I've become...mildly obsessed with Buffy the Vampire slayer (I've found a new fandom!) so look for new fic on that soon! I'm contemplating writing a fanfic crossover of TW and Buffy for Nanowrimo (they say novel they don't specify personal...I don't think but either way it's not really a fair fight for me now is it)
Oh and I have to write the Lit review for my Senior Project (which we've taken to calling Soul Crushing experience) for next week...and I haven't read one of the main books...did I mention I don't want to do this anymore?
In other news winter is on the way (three hurrahs!) I'm so excited, I can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas, which of course means finals but shhh we're not going to tell the college kid in me about that last bit.
Now that you'era ll sure I'm certifably insane (what college student isn't) I'm going to finish my Buffy episode, write a wee bit more and then go read some lovely Giles fic because I just can't get enough of the ol guy! He is so bringing smexy back!