(no subject)

Sep 16, 2008 07:59

Series: Enduring the Test of Time
Title: Forgive and Forget
Author: McRaider
Summary: When Rose and Ianto get caught on the sanctuary of a sacred ground, their threatened to be punished, however Jack steps in and sacrifices himself, however the sacrifice may cost them all a great deal of pain in the long run.
Author’s Note: It’s clichéd, I know, but ultimately out of every fan fiction I’ve ever read, this is one of my absolute favorite plot lines EVER! So I chose to do it in my own creative way. If it resembles your fic, I apologize however it was not intended as such in any way shape or form. Also the necklace, and they scenes surrounding it and the myth are not mine, rather they belong to gracie_musica and her wonderful series which starts with Salt & Pepper, seriously read it sometime, it’s beautiful!
Rated: R for graphic images
Thanks: My Betas :) you are all amazing!
Deadication:  To Teach and caz, just cause I can
Previous Story:  Enduring

Previous Chapters here

Chapter Eleven D
            Unlike with Jack and Ianto, the Doctor knew Rose would eventually come to him. All he had to do was wait. Clearly, she didn’t intend on making him wait long. He’d just finished his shower and was reading quietly in his bed, having decided he might catch a couple hours of sleep after the week they’d just had. He wasn’t surprised by the knock on his door, but he was pleased when Rose poked her head in. Hair still wet from her own shower, face red-whether from the shower or crying, he didn’t know, and dressed in her pajamas.
            “Come on, then.” He smiled as she closed the door behind her and scooted under the covers beside him. Like a child seeking her father’s love, Rose curled up against him and closed her eyes, but did not go to sleep.
            “Will they stay?” She finally whimpered.
            Sighing softly, the Doctor moved around until he was lying down with her head against his left heart. He ran his hand over her hair softly, smiling at the simplicity of being so close to her. He loved her-more than he was willing to admit. “Yes.”
            “You sound so sure-“
            “I’ve talked to them both; they’re going to be fine. They just have to get past the guilt.”
            Rose was quiet again, to the point where the Doctor was beginning to think she’d drifted off when suddenly she spoke again, “I thought traveling with you was going to be this great adventure, other worlds filled with life, and happiness.”
            He gazed down into those beautiful brown eyes. “Isn’t it?”
            “It is, its jus’…” She shrugged, “I’m realizing how similar the human condition is. Seems stupid, but we’re not all that different throughout the galaxy, are we? We kill, we maim, we rape, beat, torture, yell, scream, cry and bleed.”
            “Yes, it’s true, but you all love, cherish, kiss, hug, giggle, smile, think, play, interact and dream. Isn’t that part of being alive, flaws and things that make us good?”
            “S’pose so. A part of me hates those people for what they did to Jack.”
            “And the other part?”
            “I get it-it’s like, like those radical and extremist religious people back on Earth. People sometimes believe something is so sacred they’ll kill for it. It doesn’t make it right, but on some level you can almost rationalize it- it's human nature to want to believe in something greater than ourselves; that is why the disenfranchised often seek causes like terrorism or gangs. Its not that they believem so much as that they want to or need to believe.”
            “Too bad the people who die don’t feel that way.”
            “No and neither do those of us who survived it-but they believed in something. That’s so very human. It’s wrong what they did, but they believed hurting Jack would make their position better. It didn’t, but on some level it taught us a lesson.”
            “Which was?”
            “Aside from listen to you? That we’re willing to live and die for each other. It’s a good thing to know, that we’ll stand in the line of fire for one another.”
            “Sometimes from the worst events and circumstances comes understanding and insight.”
            “It’s like the all clouds have a silver lining saying. You don’t see it right away, but something good can be found in most circumstances.”
            “I don’t think everyone would agree, but yes Miss Tyler, I believe your philosophical side is correct.”
            She sighed, wrapping her arm around his waist. “They’ll be okay, won’t they.”
            He gazed down at her again, “You tell me.”
            “They’ll be fine.”
            “I imagine so, what about you?”
            She nodded, sniffling slightly at the thought of Jack again, “Won’t ever get rid of the images though.”
            “No, I doubt it. It’ll be a painful reminder, but you’ll move past them.”
            “Doctor, can I stay here tonight?”
            He smiled and turned his light out, wrapping his other arm around her, “Course you can.” He closed his eyes, knowing all four would sleep well tonight, as Jack and Ianto were in a similar position down the hall.

jack-pre tw, rose/doctor, hurt/comfort, angst, dw/tw, jack/ianto, story 2, enduring series

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