If You See Murphy....

Aug 25, 2005 16:51


Short story - goes like this kiddies...

6 weeks off work due to surgery in my wrist. Ok fair enuff, go back to work on light duties. (I work in a supermarket for those that didn't know). cool. missing the guys (and gals) at work, and i need something better to do than to be stuck here at home. Only be back at work for 1 week then i start holidays for 2 weeks and then back to work. Should be no problem right?- 1 week on light duties... easy as...???
Monday start at 7am, doing 'specials' tickets on the shelves. finish at 12noon. Go home, get home and start feeling like crap at about 2pm... ok - i'm thinking that it's just cos i haven't been at work for the last 6 weeks. Tuesday morning still feeling crappy although a bit more so now, start work at 9am. by 12 i was feeling a headache starting and it was starting to hurt to swallow. By the time i left at 2pm a had a cough start. By 7pm that night i was coughing up gunk. (i know - ewww). Toughed it out for a few more hours and was in bed and asleep by 10.30pm. Wednesday morning.... holy crap - felt like i was swallowing glass! Coughed up some lovely shade of irridescent yellow and couldn't even get my head off the pillow. actually i had to - had to go get the kids from school at 2.45pm. then straight back to bed. Thursday - feel somewhat better - go to doc - get some pills. Head just feels like its stuffed with cotton wool now and i've stopped coughing (sort of - but when i do Stand back!!). If you saw me you would be asking if i got the number of the bus that hit me.

Now you can see why i want him kicked in the ass...

Going back to bed now...

*big huggles* to all.
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