In a nut shell....

Oct 21, 2005 16:24

* Work sucks - as usual. Stocktake coming up... So i spent the last 2 1/2 hrs of my shift in what we call the black hole, which is called this because 1) anything that you store in there goes missing (unless you anchor it to the ground) and 2) because there is bugger all light in there. Imagine a space (2m x 3m) that has shelves on one side, the electrical boxes on one side and a huge cupboard on the other. But thats only 3 sides you say... the other side is a pallet filled with empty milk crates. So i'm in there with 6 repack boxes, sorting out what is 'unknown' 'deleted' 'mandatory' so we can fix them up for stocktake. Joy of joys... get thru to box number 4 and it actually has inside the box what the outside says is in there.... DELETED GARDENING SEEDS!!! *what a shock* And so the fun begins. Sorting, putting rubber bands around them (which is not easy) stacking and coding... and i only got thru the Vegetable seeds. Not to mention i haven't started on the fucking flower packets yet! Amongst that i am being repeatedly called to the service desk to help customers, and after the 3rd time i blew my stack and phoned the service desk and said i can't - i'm buried in the black hole doing stocktake. *That* didn't go down to well.... but tough shit, i'm not the only person in our department. Roll on 2.15pm. Only fun part of hiding in the hole is that i had the storeman Grant throwing jokes at me. :) yay Grant. Back to the grind tomorrow... I wonder if i'llbe able to get in there tomorrow to get it finished... highly doubtful seeing as I am the *only* female in my department on Saturdays after 11am...

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