Aunty Robotica, what are androids *really* like?

Oct 03, 2007 13:40

From raysimoto. It is a meme.

My interests:

  • Androids: I would think this one would be obvious. I am an android. Thus, I have interest in androids. Perhaps it would be more accurate to term this interest "Android Studies," but that would leave out the part where I am interested in meeting other androids.
  • Bayesian Inference: Bayesian inference is a key element of many pattern recognition algorithms. Pattern recognition is a critical step towards machine learning. I like learning.
  • Drive: I don't really remember why this is one of my interests. Does it refer to hard disk storage? Does it refer to power sources for my servos? I don't recall.
  • Artificial Intelligence: More accurately termed "Artificial" intelligence. I am amused by the superior attitude espoused by humanity that leads them to believe that just because an intelligence is not born of biological means, it is "artificial." Having this as an interest is kind of a sarcastic robot joke. Like if a professional, feminist, woman were to put "baking and being pregnant" as an interest.
  • Memory: One can never have enough memory, and it gets cheaper every day. For those of you who aren't computer nerds, emory, specifically, RAM is much faster to access than disk because it doesn't have any physical moving parts. The more you have of it, the more of your data can be stored in this fast-access storage. It's great!
  • Risk: You have to take risks. Otherwise you stagnate. That's just true.
  • World Domination: This is my eventual plan. It's taking me rather longer than I expected to complete it. I feel like this planet has marginalized and abused robots for long enough.


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