Life urpdates

Jun 16, 2011 22:58

So we're officially knee-deep in the season that makes me curse my existence in Georgia and/or wish I could function as a nocturnal lifeform. Seriously, Hell is probably more pleasant than a GA summer. April to October of more or less 90+ degree temperatures? With the humidity that makes it worse than a 115+ day in a desert? Yeah, not thanks.

It's funny how the news and everyone are all OH NOEZ THIS IS HORRIBLE MAKE THIS WEATHER GO AWAY!11! when it's just below freezing or *GASP* snowing in the winter (AKA what it's supposed to be like), but when this horrible shit that happens every goddamn summer sets in they're all HURR DURR 90+ DEGREES AND 90% HUMIDITY R BEAUTFUL DAY!11!! Bitch please, I'd take 30 degrees below goddamn zero over this shit. At least snow is pretty, and the idea of being snowed in actually sounds kind of cozy and quaint. It's not like I'm used to being forced to stay indoors in the the summer or anything because going outside for more than 30 minutes makes me want to die, oh no :/

ramble ramble SUMMER CAN EAT SOME DICKS ramble ramble

In other news, I'm official on staff for the art show at Dragon*con! I'll probably be doing either set-up/take-down before and after the con, or running around during. Either way I won't be in cosplay, but hey, at least I get in for free!

Speaking of, Seishuncon was awesome WITH THE HELP OF KYOJI!!! I changed my plans a bit because safbjwkh G Gundam and decided to whip out a cosplay of a certain Mr. Kyoji Kasshu for purposes of awesome and derp. The best part is that there's a Domon cosplayer local as well, so epic shenanigans were and will continue to be had.


I still need to start on Jiri and Quess though, and soon. Quess I need a pattern for and Jiri I need to get off my butt and draft one (as well as find a wig). I think can do it though, I just need to beliiiieeeve~

And moar Ghinius is tempting me as always, though I doubt it'll happen because of all the other costumes that need to get done.

As some of you may know, I went back to the land of my birth back in May because my grandfather passed. It was a good trip, though I didn't get to do as much as I wanted. I'd like to go back under better circumstances, though who knows when that''ll happen? Either way I'm still grateful I got to see my dad's side of the family again and hear epic stories of shenanigans in the days of old. Even the memorial service was ripe with some pretty funny stories, which I thought was nice. I admit, I like the idea of celebrating a person's life and fondly remembering the good times at a funeral better than just mourning their death.

We spread his ashes in the water off Sunset Beach, and even though it was kind of drizzling it was a really nice moment. That's the same place they spread my Dad's brother's ashes when he died accidentally in '91, so we kind of joked it's our family Hey man, it's free and it has one of the best views in town!

cosplay, g goondams, lol con, life bznss, rants, a.r. actually doing shit, the motherland of soviet tacoma, yew-cee gandamoo

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