Aug 11, 2009 14:20

Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight peopleWHOEVER I WILL TO. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
Blanket, sometimes Zeth'smy cat Thomas. And whatever's on the floor, since I've been sleeping on Z's floor for months because I'm sick of my family's BS.

Have you ever done anything extreme?
Is disowning my Momegg donor, violently threatening my sister because she's an obnoxious cunt, kicking and cursing out teachers back in the day, stealing junk food from the local high school back in the day, getting sent to 4 different psych wards, putting god knows how many holes in the drywall, and more or less feeling like a worthless lump of flesh until three or so weeks ago extreme enough for you?

Who are your favorite bands?
Depeche Mode, NIN, Soft Cell, Nirvana (overrated or not, I have a soft spot for them due to what state I yonder from), U2, Talking Heads, The Clash, The Beatles (Sergent Pepper and onward), The Cure, and whatever random techno/dance shit tickles my fancy. Need to listen to most of those more, though that's nothing too hard since all I have to do for some is hijack CDs from my dad.

What are your current fandoms/addiction/obsession?
UNVERSAL CENTURY GANDAMS MANNNNNN! Though Pokemon is also really eating my brain now as well. DAMN YOU JIRI.

What's your fashion style?
T-shirt + jeans/shorts + sandles/coverse ugly butch slob I guess.

Who is your celebrity crush?
Ghinius Sakhalin and JiriLawrenceLampASS OH GOD DO WANT I CAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!!11111!1! Oh, you want someone who exists IN REEL LIFES? Then Trent Reznor I guess. Though the delusional cartoon mens with fancy hair are still top tier on my list of fangirl slobberings.

Who are your role models?
IDKMBFFZETH, ryoko in the EPIC AWESOME BADASSERY N' CAWSPLAY category, tepintzin and blackjackrocket in the faynfic writin' category, god knows how many in the SCIENCE category, and other people I can't think of off the top of my head because i r spechul :|

What are you listening to right now?
The air conditioner, though maybe something from one of my playlists or the host from Iron Chef singing about how lovely kleptomania can be in a bit.

What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Inbox, Junkyspot's forum for the creepy dolls they sell, dA, various Japanese Gundam fansites (because I always require new Ghinius stuffs), and lately a certain comm and shrine to A HORRIBLE POKEMON COLLECTOR and Bulbagarden forums.

What was the last thing you bought today?
Nothing. Though I will hopefully be buying a T-REX OF AWESOME within the next few weeks.

What was the sexiest thing you've seen today?
Some of Pokesho's pervy fanart involving Claire and other Pokemon womens who aren't jailbait. Also a fanart on dA of Morty and WifebeaterEusine dancing, though Eusine's expression was mostly just hilarious and made the thing more funny than anything else. Though I haven't checked me Japanese Gundam pron sites yet, and I might also re-read some of the fanfics about Jiri getting smexed up that never fail to dazzle me.

Does the weather affect your mood?
Not being able to go out in daylight because GA summers = DEATH pisses me off, and snow makes me shoot rainbows and kittens from my eyes out of joy, but other than that I don't think so.

What is your zodiac sign?

Do you want to learn another language?
Russian. Because Ghinius, Aina, and Yuri control me too much and I need to write mah' faynfic. Plus Russian accents make me melt :V

5 things you can't live without.
001: Ghinius/Jiri
002: Porn and other fancrap
004: my friends
005: being able to make creative shit and my creepy dolls

Anything you want to say to someone?
Dear Nintendo,

BRING BACK JIRI FOR A CAMEO IN MOVIE 13. Also stop focusing so damn much on Ash and co. and JJ+M Rocket stuff. Needs moar Domino, Basho+Buson, Gio being a dick, and delicious Pokemob. And Eusine is only right when he's batshit insane. And Cyrus is creepy as fuck, though that's a good thing.

<3 Ar


If you belonged to a different culture, which one would it be?
Mid-late 80's - early 90's Tacoma, WA. And actually old enough to remember it.

What are you looking forward to?
AWA and starting to have a good life for once!

Say something to the person who tagged you:
shiimapan we must meet again at AWA and have AWESOME.

And now I'm going to tag:

Anyone who wants to do eet lol I be lazyyyy...

oh noez fangirling, ghinius, pokeymans, meme, fangirling, gundam, zomg jiri

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