So, I'm still attempting to figure out how I can discuss work without violating attorney-client confidentiality. Or getting fired.
Obviously I can't post things like "OMG Billy Jones told me he robbed the 2nd National Bank, but the DA doesn't know!" (That was made up.) I think it's safe to post about things that happen in court, since it's all public info at that point.
Contrary to popular belief, most lawyers are pretty serious about ethics. At least the younger ones. We're also pretty serious about not wanting to get our licenses taken away.
Of course, the other problem is that I work for a state agency and I don't want to do anything to offend big brother and/or the other brothers that bitch about how much money big brother [allegedly] wastes. Newspapers or other groups tend to do open records requests on a pretty regular basis...a few months ago, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel posted a database containing the salaries of all state employees. I'm don't think I'm being too paranoid by thinking that any commentary on the Agency would be a bad idea.
(N.B. -- I really do like my job and my bosses. I don't have any complaints. But I think even things that might be subjectively positive commentary could be a I think I better steer clear.)
So anyway...back to work tomorrow. I'll be assisting in a week-long jury trial, unless something happens causing the trial to be postponed. I may have some commentary on that, if I can.
On another subject,
soulofajedi and I baked a whole chicken last night. We got this chicken from my mom...from a flock (?) her brother had raised and had had butchered. My parents both grew up on or around farms, and this chicken was whole. It had organs in it. We were extremely grossed out. I think we did a storebought bird of some kind like three or four years ago, but it didn't look like this bird looked.
However, J. was very brave and she cleaned it up, we stuffed some garlic cloves and onions in and around it, and it ended up pretty damn tasty. I got the duty of seperating the meat from the bones, skin, and unidentifiable gunk. This is often called "carving," but after a few attempts with knife and fork, I just went at it with my bare hands. It was much more effective, and was kinda fun to be honest. I think if we ever host thanksgiving or something like that, I'll probably have to learn to do it without going wrist-deep into the turkey. Anyway.