Sep 04, 2002 07:12
I do not need to go to work for another few hours. I'm a bit disappointed by that. It would have given me the perfect excuse not to go to this training session. I am not exactly sure why I do not go, perhaps I find being in the company of so many sweaty, hairy, smelly men at one time a bit disgusting, or maybe there is something else to this. I could look at all the reasons that are accumulating in my brain and neither seem to fit.
Perhaps the simplest reason is the best one, maybe I just don't feel like it.
25 came home fairly late last night. I believe she is finding work to be very stressful. She came storming in, then she gave me the "glare" and then switched on the television. I was a bit confused by this. I was thinking of inviting her to see this interesting movie I saw being advertised on the television but I wisely decided to wait until tomorrow night.
I do not have much to do today, I will go to work, then I will have nothing to do. Perhaps I should go attempt to find the items that were taken from my old house. Heh, not much of anything I cared about...although I did have pictures... Later.