Aug 14, 2009 21:37
Don't even know why I still use this thing, BUT.
Arkham Asylum demo. Holy balls what a fun demo. Criminally short.
It's been said, but Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill and the rest of the cast back to reprise their respective character's voices is awesome. It really makes Batman feel like Batman. I'm honestly not entirely fond of Batman's look, but he does look cool, I will admit that.
Free form fighting is really awesome, even though all the moves aren't available to you, and even some of his gadgets are locked from use in the demo, but what they give you is pretty sweet. As of right now I can see maybe how the fighting can get repetitive, but seeing as how the whole system wasn't available to me right up front, I can't really make that judgment. Batman counters dudes like it ain't no thang, though, and that is awesome.
The camera isn't that great outside of fighting, I think. I think it follows a little too tightly. Maybe if they allowed a pan out, kind of like Prototype, I would like it more.
I'm really excited to see the rest of the game. I totally got caught by an explosion, and afterward, you could actually see battle damage on Batman's costume. Apparently this will be a cumulative thing through the game, with Batman growing stubble, and Kevin Conroy making him sound beaten down and weary the more beating he takes. I think that is awesome.
There are like a million different ways to take down a group of bad guys in a room. For the last room, on my first time through, I hung upside down and did an inverted takedown, grabbing a dude by his neck and hanging him by his feet on a gargoyle statue, then when his buddy came running over, cut the guy down on TOP of his buddy, knocking them both out. FUCKING AWESOME.
Really excited to try the full game when it comes out. A good Batman game? Can't even believe it. Although, I wish he could jump. Why can't Batman jump. Whatev.