So, Pete and I saved all of our change for a year. Then we took it to Marsh and put it into one of those awesome Coinstar machines. It used to be that you could only turn your change into bills, but not anymore! We decided to get an Ecertificate. We had $124 worth of change. It was great! I know it was already our money, but it felt like free money, if you know what I mean. ANYWAY - we split it up so we each had $40 we could spend. (pete, aiden and myself) Of course, we got to pick out aiden's stuff, but I think we did a good job. I'm damn excited about it! Here's what he's getting.
Pete and I are each getting a book and a CD. Then I'm also getting a game for my game boy advance. I love stuff! It's been awhile since we bought stuff for ourselves. It feels nice.
In other news....Aiden went to the doctor the other day because he was coughing and wheezing. The doctor said he probably has asthma so he had a nebullizer brought to us by a home heath care place, and we got a prescription for the stuff that goes into the nebulizer. Aiden also got a prescription for this stuff that smells like diamatap. My poor baby. BUT while we were at the doctor I asked if we could start Aiden on baby cereal since we had been taking 8 oz bottles for a little while now. The doctor said we could! So yesterday we got to do this!
He didn't actually start eating any of it until tonight, and he still had more of it under his chin and on his neck than he swallowed. He'll get the hang of it though. He'll have to. He's a big hungry baby.