The bf and I had an interesting conversation the other day. He wanted to know if I was going to sell any of the RPG’s on his night stand. I said “No I thought those were yours”. He said he thought they were mine. Since it is stuff obviously neither of us is using, I am selling them off. I have also begun to go through my personal collection of RPG books that I am not currently using and selling those as well. Here is the list of everything I have found so far.
D20 Adventure Game of Pulp Action HC WW16705 Forgotten Realms Player's Guide to Faerun 3.5 HC Torg Living Lands WEG-20505 Torg Storm Knights' Guide to the Possibility Wars WEG Torg The Land Below WEG-20562 Torg Los Angeles WEG-20524 I will be posting more books for sell when I return home from work.