Feb 14, 2009 10:16
Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends...or as it is better know in my house hold as Meat Fest Day. There will not be a Meat Fest at a Brazilian Restaurant due to the limited funds and budget:( Plus Jonsey and I are both working fairly long hours this weekend.
On a brighter note, today is my kitty Pepper's 18th Birthday. Happy Birthday to the Kitty Litch Queen. I am glad she is still with us and still happy and healthy. I spent some extra snuggle time with her before going to bed last night. I meant to give her some special treats before I left for work but my alarm on my night stand was set wrong. I woke up in time to get cleaned up and get to work, but no time for extra stuff for the kitties. I managed to get their bowls filled and that was it. I plan on trying to do more for them tonight;)