Feb 11, 2014 11:41
So I haven't posted here in a while.. Ok, more like a few years, but I have not given up on my fandoms.. I'm still a HUGE Mirandy shipper, and now, I must include some WH13 Helyka or Mylena or whatever we're calling it now... I've also started watching OUAT, and am a HUGE Swan Queen shipper. And I still haven't abandoned my Janeway-Seven of Nine obsession from STV, or Olivia-Alex/ Olivia-KC/ Olivia-Serena obsession from L&O SVU. I'm still very much obsessed with fanfics as more often than not, canon has proven to be far too disappointing.
Nevertheless, this updated post really isn't about my fanfic obsession, but rather this Cloud HQ then I have chosen to promote in order to get a one year free subscription to the service. I'm supporting the Cloud because it's freakin awesome sinking Dropbox, Evernote, my Google Docs and a bunch of other cloud servers so that I have multiple back-ups of my files and easy access to them all, even on my Chromebook.
This program is wicked, and you get a 30 day free trial. So I'm supporting it. And advertising it. That's all. ;)
Check out www.cloudhq.net
Henny <3