Apr 01, 2010 22:04
- 08:37 I wonder how many people are going to get rick rolled today... tinyurl.com/2lrx46 #
- 09:21 im pretty sure facebook is pulling some kind of april fools joke, but dammit, i wanna update my status #
- 16:14 RT @OTOOLEFAN If FOX News really was fair & balanced, wingnuts would picket it. #
- 17:27 RT @JohnFugelsang Blaming Obama for the economy is like blaming your hangover on the guy making breakfast. #
- 18:29 RT @anamariecox RT @maddow: Thanks again, everybody,4 all the kind birthday wishes. Very, very overwhelming. // #maddow #maddow #maddow #
- 18:31 RT @JohnFugelsang Rome: when Christ was persecuted he didn't whine and play victim. Oh, he also hadn't protected child rapists. #
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