Too Many Memories...

Jan 07, 2010 02:15

Wow. I was searching through old computer files, and came across my old webpages I still have saved. Before sites like LJ and Facebook made it waaaaay too easy for anyone to have an online identity, it used to be a great fun hobby of mine to work for hours creating mine. For scratch. I can't even imagine doing that now. I wish I still did, though. Web design will probably always be my one true artistic love. Miss it.

Anyways, I came across my old profiles and blogs. Soooo weird. Too many memories. Of awesomeness. And awkwardness. I must admit, I was pretty cool at 15/16/17. Way cooler than now. So uncool, I was cool before uncool was cool. I feel like Stella and I made uncool cool. Go us. Anyways, it's still weird. I wish I could go back in time and tell my 17 year old self to stop being so...seventeen. Geez. I'm sure when I'm 30, I'll want to come back to now and tell my 24 year old self to stop being soo...24. And unsure. "It's okay," I'll tell myself. "Everything will always be okay. Oh, and 2012 is a lie, so don't quit your job and blow all your savings on 12/20/12, or you're going to be dead broke on the 22nd."

Haha. So awesome at 24, too. And self-centered. Woo!
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