Sep 09, 2006 03:23

Here's the drabble that scenehair and I wrote for Mary's drabble challenge. I got tired of it not being posted, so i thought now was as good a time as any to post. Enjoy.

The club was like a drug-induced underwater adventure - the walls and ceiling were an aquarium and lights sparkled and danced off the glass surface at an alarming rate, shedding beams of color over the glittering crowd. Envy sat in one of the few dark corners of the club, observing as girls and boys danced to techno beats, the thumpa-thumpa of the bass coursing through his body like liquid flame.

In the distance there was a flash of pink and a girl wearing a feather boa caught his eye. Envy would have followed her, but as she passed he noticed someone else across the room, lounging on a sofa, his eyes burning holes through every pretty piece of young flesh that passed him.

Envy smirked and began to stride over to Crowley, his form changing mere moments before Crowley looked at him. Envy hissed and the man's attention turned immediately to him.

"Kaidoh, glad to sssssssee you came," Crowley said with a smile, standing and offering Envy his hand.

I picked you out of a crowd and talked to you
I said I liked your shoes
you said, "thanks, can I follow you?"
so it's up the stairs and out of view.
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