May 09, 2007 15:29
There are huge brush fires in Georgia that have been affecting air quality here for that past week or so.
Driving to work this morning, the buildings downtown were obscured by the thick haze of smoke hanging in the air. On those electronic signs that give drivers traffic updates, all of them said the same thing, "Heavy smoke, use caution".
The smell is everywhere-and it's not a good smell, like a neighbor's BBQ, or a leaf fire in the fall. It's the smell of houses burning. It gets into the house, and in the car, through the air conditioner.
The local news keeps saying that people shouldn't be outside in it, especially if they have breathing problems, yet I see no shortage of landscapers, construction workers, and road-side crews. Maybe they should get them face masks, a la Michael Jackson.
I wondered this morning, what is this smoke doing to the environment? This fire has been burning for two weeks. Florida now has it's own brush fires, and California has been having them as well.
All of these fires, leaving their smoke hanging in the air, obscuring the a nuclear winter.