Aug 16, 2008 14:42
I woke up on tuesday and said ew sick i've gotta have some color up in dis apartment ya'll. so i didn't exactly get it approved by my land lord but i painted a wall in my living room bright fucking yellow anyway. cause i do what i want bitches. fabric is so kick ass. i could get lost in some fabric stores. so my grandmother and i made some pillows. ok when i say my grandmother and i, i mean i held back the stuffing as she sewed. but i can say i had a hand in it.
i had a small gathering last night for eddies birthday. everything was just fine until my brother decided to call my cousin. i come out of the bathroom and zach handed me the phone. all he said was your brother needs to talk to you. tyler said, sis could you go outside i need to talk to you. it's too loud. i said is something wrong??? as i'm running outside. he said yea i'm in some deep shit. he told me that he got a DUI in my uncles truck, and he needed me to come bail him out of jail. i didn't know what to do. he's 17 years old. all i can think of is what is my dad is going to do! i don't want that for him. then zach comes outside and asks what's wrong? i told him what tyler said. then tyler started laughing on the phone after being so serious. he said sis, i'm just joking you! I hung up on that bastard and started crying right there on my front stoop. i mean i cried hard. he scared me so bad i was getting ready to go to the jail for christ sake! that was not a funny joke. i care about my brother more than anything else ever. i was thinking omg he's drinking and driving, thank god he got pulled over before he got in a car accident or something or worse. i couldn't take that. my mind was racing with all of these thoughts. he scares me and he doesn't realize how much i love him. how terrible it would be to loose him. it could happen in a second.