May 24, 2005 14:09

Another day.
Another breath.
Another day.
Another thought.
Another Creation in the mind of a human being.
Developed from the soul.
Inspiration inhaled.
Another day.
Another Breath.
Another day.
Another thought.

Here in Cali. Listening to Francoiz Breut. Can’t understand a damn word. But I like the way it makes me feel. It’s French female singer. Very cool.

So let me tell you what I did yesterday!
Had a meeting in the morning. Then Matt came and picked me up from Kelson's. Went to check out his new apt. Sooooooo peaceful. There’s a balcony where you can see the ocean. I just stood up there and took a deep breath. It’s beautiful.

So we went to the beach. Layed around for about 2 hours, as the sun played hide and seek behind the clouds. It was quite chilly. but i've concluded that how Cali is most of the time. i had to pee so BADLY! so we walked towards the back of the beach, i did my biz and then we swang! there were 4 swings. 2 baby swings and 2 big popele swings. i closed my eyes and just enjoyed the flight. Then ate some pizza and watched the sun set. Except not really. It was too cloudy. WOMP WOMP! We sat on top of a lifeguard stand. Watched the ocean fight with itself, as the tides shifted from high to low. the wated would come up to the stand off and on. felt like we were sitting on an island. The ocean reminded me of a caterpillar moving. the white running crests of the waves climbing over each other in a desprate effort to win a race with itself. Oh I almost forgot! Oddly enough. I ate Oreo cookies with milk on the beach. Haha it's been a while! Pretty much a pretty unhealthy eating day. But I did lots of sit-ups on the beach, so I’m ok. HA! Yea right.

After that, I was feeling kind of weary and dizzy. Dunno why (hahha) but we climbed down and began walking. THEN! There it was. A guitar, and this guy with a tapestry, tie-died-ish cloth wrapped around over his shoulders. matt and I had just seen him in the store from before pizza. he was sitting there with his friend. So like a Nat to a banana, Andriana moseyed on over, and plopped down on the soft warm sand. felt amazing & relaxing. I LOVE THE SAND! This guy's name was Noe (pronounced NOW), and I forget his friend's name, but we all bonded and talked, chilled and played music for each other for about 20 minutes. Eyes closed. The ocean sounds. Strings. Wind. Voices. Sand, Cali. People. Love. Music.
I played 'Boys' and 'Cowgirls'. Haha I was accompanied by Noe's percussion on his Heineken can. I think they were really digging it. Felt magical.

After that we went back to the apt. I got changed, then matt’s kind heart drove me over to drew and Kai’s (Kelson’s best friends) where we all then watched 24. But it wasn’t that simple on the way Matt and I got super duper oooper LOSt. But we found our way lol. After asking everyone on the road for directions. There was this one woman who would not roll down her window! Lol she looked so scared. And she was at every light! So we opted to stopping at a gas station.

It’s 2:23pm. I need a hug. I’ve been away from my parents, keef, erl, and my family for a while now. I mean I guess not THAT long. But long enough to feel needy for affection. I love to cuddle, and just fee love. I feel love with myself, but did you know that a 15 second hug a day reduces stress by (not sure specific %) but A LOT. Not that I’m stressed out. Ok I’ll go deep inside my soul and give myself a big hug right now. :: closes eyes:: **HUUUUUUUG**
BLAH BLAH BLAH. It’s all biological. Body, blood, physical touch. So that didn’t work. This makes me feel like I have to sing or play guitar.

Kelson showed me the guitar to the song we’re building. I’ll practice like crazy when I get back to NJ. I really Love it. He’s so incredibly talented. And I had n o idea the extent, until I came to Cali. He’s got such a tight flow, a sexy singing voice, and he’s the dopest lyricist. It’s pretty amazing. His productions can take on any form…. they can be fun, emotional, rockin, popin, hip-hoppin. (haha I’m not trying to sound corny… it just happens sometimes). I’d sign him, for sure. I think he’d sell a shit load of records, and have a lot of fans. He’s a poet. That’s what’s beautiful about it. The free style. He’s really humble about it. But I really believe in him and what he does. I’d produce a record with him for sure. He deserves to get paid some nice money too. I just feel really thankful that he believes in me enough to invest his time and these 12ish days of his life in my music and me. That’s mad cool and I’m so lucky.

Well that’s all for now folks. Peace and hair grease.
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