FUSE! MONDAY! 7th Ave Drop: The Strokes, featuring Andriana Santiago (as a wild audience member)...

Jan 12, 2006 02:33

wait... wild audience member? haha what's new? anyway here's my story:

Ooooooooooooooh WOW!!!
Ok let me set the picture for you.
I’m drinking some water, oh shit I need to get my ticket out! (now: 9:34pm)
Ok I’m back! Now: (9:35pm)
Ok, so back to setting the picture!
::(Said in a detective voice):: I’m in cart 1377. One of the older ones, but I like It cuz then I can plug princess in. Princess is my laptop. We Toight.

It’s about 9:35pm on a Thursday and the middle of January. The city iz a-buzz because of the surprisingly high temperature. It’s 56 degrees! hmmm suspicious… Could this be global warming? Newark international airport, our first stop.

My feet are comfortably propped onto the seat in front of me. This helps me hold my computer and relieves my feet that are sore from standing at the mic in the studio and FROM A STROKES SHOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
That’s right!
I just saw the strokes!!!!!! YEA!!!!
Ok first of all it was flipping marvelously AWESOME!!!!!
Second of ALLL it was for a FUSE SHOW! So on MONDAY it’ll AIR and I’ll perfectly not be able to see it ::yells:: BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE FUSE!!!!!!
But anyway! the show is Called, “Seventh Avenue Drop”!
I’m was front of Julian Dancing MY ASS OFF!!!!!!
Seriously I had serges of excited energy just flowing threw my body like I just had a shot of expresso or something. It was so much fun!
And I’m not gonna lie, deze boys are super sexy in person, I waz like, “oh! Oh! Catch me” ::passes out::
So since scott (the Fuse casting director) put me in the front with a few other crazy chicks, we had to come up with a plan with the camera guy. He’d be going in between us for some shots of Julian, so we had to communicate throughout the show. He just had a baby, and showed us the picture, so cute!
That guy and the other rad camera dooodz got me a few times going absolutely insane and singing werds I didn’t even know, half the time! So I def have to find a way to get a copy of that show, maybe I can get it from scott.
They performed some old songs and some new songs..
During the middle of the show the guitar player with long hair lit a cigerette and they passed it around.
It was def worth going! I made some new friends, Saw some old ones; Jaime and Alex.

Other than that, today was OOOOOOOk.
First, I had to wake up early. NOT GOOD! But seriously, I’m going to have to get used to it because I’m sure in Costa Rica I’ma haf to wake up reeeeeallly early most days.
THEN! I walk out of my house and I’m like, damn, I feel like I’m forgetting something, I should check to see if I have my phone. The whooooooole ride to the train station I’ve got this missing something feeling. I get into the train and look in my bag… NO PHONE! I’m like AHHHHHHHHH!!!! %#$#$@#@#$*@@!!!!
Thennnnnnnn the train a head of us breaks down. So I’m on it for 2 hours! Instead of 1hr 15min. grrrrr…. My butt was soooooo sore! LOL I had to like get up and stretch! haahhaha
So I get to the studio a half hour late.

But other than that, it’s been pretty interesting without a phone all day. I feel sort of connected and disconnected all at the same time. Obviously I feel disconnected from those who I usually talk to on a daily basis. But who I REALLY feel Connected with is myself! It’s like all that energy that would have gone towards a phone call just stayed inside of me. And built up and up and up and up and now I feel content. Kinda creative! Like I can go home and write a song or something! …since I didn’t spend the day telling someone exactly what was happening or blah, blah, blah. So It’s all inside my head fresh and very comprehendible. Or I just feel pretty level headed, it’s weird.
I remember when my friend erl never had a cell phone bc. He said, “I just want to feel free when I’m out and doing stuff, and I don’t want to feel like someone can reach me at their beckon call”. Yes, I understand that, but a cell phone can bring you freedom AS WELLL!.
1) you can call anyone anytime.
2) get emails and surf the internet.
3) Just play with it, when ur bored, or want to look cool.
4) Type email address or phone numbers when u meet new people
5) Emergency!!!

But instead of putting my energy into looking at an inanimate, digital object, I opened my eyes to maybe saw something I would have missed.

Pointless rhyming poem with the sounds ‘out’, ready and GO!
Peace out!
No doubt!
Shout out!
The route!
A pout drought!

Ok no not really. Never shout out about a route without a pout drought! B.c. that would mean the route is full of pouts and I’d prefer to shout out about a route without a smile drought.

Thank you thank you, please hold your applause.
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