A rant

Aug 30, 2008 12:33

I'm not usually one to post on political topics, frankly, my beliefs are my own and yours belong to you. I assume that you have a reason for believing the things that you do and I respect that- even if I disagree.

I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a fiance, and a former member of the law enforcement community. But it's the first thing and the last of those things that I am that have driven me to say something today.

I had to fight, really fight to be taken seriously in the profession I chose. There are women in federal law enforcement, but there aren't many. Initially I had to swallow my words and get the coffee I was asked to fetch, I had to deal with co-workers that treated my presence as a hindrance to their jobs. I had to earn my badge, ten times over my male counterparts.

But I earned it. I worked harder, I sweated longer, I fought longer, and I earned the respect of the men that I worked with. I became one of the boys, and that' something that I'll always be proud of.

I am also a mother. I take that responsibility very seriously. I believe that when we become parents, when we make that choice, we are agreeing to put the lives of our children above our own desires. We are agreeing to always do what is in their best interests. Even if it wouldn't necessarily be our first choice. I have a son. I left law enforcement because I felt that there were other ways for me to pursue my professional goals without putting my life on the line. He deserves to have a mother there. Really there. At ball games, on Halloween, and every day in between. Does that mean I believe that we have to totally give up our own sense of self? Our own goals? No. I don't mean that. But I believe that there should be a balance, and that the balance should always swing in the favor of our children.

I vote independent. I make up my mind on the candidates and on the issues, I never have and never will vote strictly on party lines.

All of that being said, I am deeply offended at McCain's choice for Vice President. Deeply offended.

I want to see a woman take a seat in the highest offices that this country offers. But she has to earn it. It doesn't count if it's just handed to her. In fact, it works against everything that women everywhere have worked so hard for. It sets us back. All of us.

I'm not going to argue Mrs. Palin's achievements in her own state. I'm sure she's done a good job. But lets be real here. Alaska's total population is less than 700,000 people. We have over 300,000 people in Madison County alone! She was essentially the leader of a medium sized city.

And now she could find herself in the role of President.

She has not earned it. There is nothing in her education, training, or past experiences that could've prepared her for this job.

And by the way. She has a four month old baby with Downs Syndrome.

I've been very close to a family for over twenty years that has a child with Downs. In fact, Stephen was one of my first baby-sitting jobs. And I can tell you first hand that they need all of the attention and care that both parents can provide. As a mother I just don't see how she can accept a job with the responsibilities that this one does, with the potential responsibilities that could come of it. She can have it all, but she can't have it all at the same time. No one can.

I'm just sick about this. As a mother, as a former Special Investigator, and as a voter.

I am deeply offended.

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