I'm coming home I swear.

Apr 28, 2007 02:22

I figured you guys might like a real entry as well. Becuase just posting a quiz when I haven't posted in over a week or somethng is just terrible. I geuss I really get to updae about everything because for someone with no real obligations ve been doing LOTS of stuff. It's strange. Not even Tony and Lexy have seen me in like a week, and I live with them.. pastweeks absence excluded.
What have I ven really accomplished this week. Nothing really. I've been doing stuff t get ready for the Q&A prom. And Sendin time with David. My boyfriend in case you didn't hear, I should get a newsletter. I guess when updated that's really all this is. Ah, what's important for you guys to know. I guess I'll tell you about David. For one his stupid keyboard sucks. He's a student here at UCM He's a theatre major. He's really goofy. Which is adorable. But he's not stupid. I don't know. It's too early to be typing this.
I've been on the move so much for the last week that I haven't slept alot and as such I'm not getting any better. I hadn't thought about that fact until Tony and Lexy pointed it out before Going to dinner. It's really true. I've been out and about with David alot. But he's going home for the summer come wednesday so I'll be back home again and doing less crazy go nuts stuff. I hope. I also stopped buying cigarettes a couple of days ago so my smoking has dropped off significantly, hopefully completely in the next week or so which will also help me get less sick. Cough cough I say, cough cough.
Anyway, I'm Going to goto sleep. I'll see you all later. I kinda really want to make dinner and clean something.. HOME I GO! Woo.
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