Low Energy Cooking - It Works!!

Jan 17, 2008 12:00

Update: the 'low' energy cooking totally works for brown rice too!! YEAH!!

We soaked it overnight & today I just brought it to a boiling point & then turned off the gas. (I suppose with an electric cooker it would be even quicker). After a while (an hour or two - I forgot to look sooner, & wanted to give it some time to cook - & wasn't hungry!;) I went & looked: rice cooked!!

The beans were not soaked overnight & didn't cook fully - maybe 1/3. The plan is to soak them overnight next time & try it again (we usually do anyway, but today Dad forgot) - it would probably work then!

Dad went to buy flax (they didn't have the organic kind, so he just bought some lentils - yum!). Apparently it pays to tell 'em everything I read & write about on this blog!;)
Okay, maybe not everything!

healthy food, less energy, cooking, food, eco, energy

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