Tuna fish - & Alternatives!

Jan 15, 2008 14:30

More about tuna & mercury!

"The omega-3 fatty acids seem to be the fish ingredient that motivates people to choose fish. But you can get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids from vegetable sources that have zero mercury. The most generous recommendations for fish still say to eat no more than 12 ounces per week, which is two average servings."

"One easy and safe way to get an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids every day is to grind up two level tablespoons of organic golden flax seeds (available at any natural foods store) and mix them with dry oatmeal before adding hot water. The seeds should be ground just before eating, or they loose some nutrients. I use a coffee grinder. Add a small handful of walnuts on top of the oatmeal for even more omega-3s. Scrumptious."


("How does mercury get in our waters to being with? From coal-fired power plants, which provide 57% of the electricity in our country. For a thorough indictment of coal as an energy source, and an exciting review of solutions to coal, see Jeff Barrie's important documentary, Kilowatt Ours.")

But if you eat fish for protein, B12 (or as a natural antidepressant;) - what then? ;)
Apparently, this question is more complex than this article, but it's an interesting take on at least 1 aspect of fish-eating!

toxicity, mercury, fish, food, tuna, nutrition

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