Mar 25, 2004 22:11
today was great. i went to school wore a dress for a lil bit then some kid started talking shit so i choked him till he passed out then i got suspended and went home and slept for a while then woke up to hear my dad bitch for like 20 min about how im a peace of shit but whatever its ok i am. then scooter and lisa picked me up and we went to meet the band at the loft and we fallowed them to the show that was like 1 hour away and the show was fucking great we danced like crazy almost got into a fight but it was all cool we need to keep peace to much fighting now days i mean i love to fight but people just need to understand if you get hit by the pit take it like a man don't get pissed ya know. but other then those kids crying about geting hit dummie riped my shirt and it was like riped in half and i went in the place and was dancing and then scooter and loin jumped me and beat my up infront of every one. then we left and now im trying to leave because my dad hates me and i don't feel wanted here any more.