Dec 26, 2005 10:07
Whats up everybody? How was everybody's Christmas? I got some ok gifts i only got like 3 things i liked but lol. its all good lol. Wow I cant believe they already took christmas music off coast 93.3 jeeze lol its only 1 fucking day after christmas lol. Anyways I've been doing pretty good lately me and Liz have hanged out a lot so thats always good hanging out with your g/f lol. We hang out Thursday and Friday. Then lets see for Christmas Eve. Me,my mom,my dad, and my grandparents went over my aunt and uncles house. It will probally be the last time we see them on Christmas Eve. b/c there moving down to North Carolina so. My Grandparents were suppose to sleepover like they usually do on Christmas Eve. but my grandma twisted her knee so. They said they were gonna come down Christmas at like 9 and open gifts and stuff, but it was still hurting her so we went up to my grandparents. Then after we went up there we went to visit my grandma down in the Nursing home. Then after that we came home. Lets see the things I got for Crhristmas... I got Providence College and URI basketball tickets, A sports trivia game, a lot of shit for my car lol, candy lol, and my mom ordered a Ryan Gomes jersey but they keep pushing the date back when its gonna come in lol. Oroidley they said the 27th of this month then they said January 21st now the latest is March 1st lol. which is kinda gay b/c the season is gonna almost be over then lol. So I might end up cancelling that order and got another jersey. and i got a boston bruins fitted hat. Matt we need to talk about when we want to go to a Boston bruins game. ok well i'm out ttyl