Ростовские зарисовки. 04.04.2014

Apr 04, 2014 18:53

Есть у нас в городе замечательный частный минизоопарк. Называется “Трогательный Зоопарк”. Это к тому что и сердце “трогает” . и животных трогать можно. Тискать, гладить, обнимать, кормить. Неплохая идея. А вот реклама под путепроводом какая-то жестокая. Или я не правильно понимаю? Кто кого с картинки трогать будет. Как думаете?

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интересно, самостоятельно, отдых, мои фото, Ростов-на-Дону

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buildalevee April 5 2014, 07:41:43 UTC
Here, in the U.S. we call them petting zoo's.
There are few animals that we can actually pet.

This gator image, is seemingly questionable as you suggest,
Who would want to feed an animal
That would seemingly take them for dinner?

I think I personally would avoid such zoo.


andrewrostov April 5 2014, 08:19:00 UTC
Ahaha ))) I have the same opinion...


buildalevee April 5 2014, 08:50:55 UTC
I like seeing the giraffes and elephants
They are so admirable
What are your sons' favorite animals'
at the zoo ?

I have some wondrous pictures of my sister
(before she passed away)
next to some of her favorite
exotic animals


andrewrostov April 5 2014, 10:04:55 UTC
My wife likes dogs - Yorkshire terriers )
Denis likes bears and sharks
Artem likes snakes/


buildalevee April 5 2014, 15:39:57 UTC
The terriers are very loyal
(like Todo, Wizard of Oz?)

Sharks, tend to scare me a bit,
But there is a sting ray and shark exhibit, here.
I finally reached my in the water to pet a few friendly sharks... .


andrewrostov April 5 2014, 16:10:20 UTC
Friendly sharks? ))))


buildalevee April 5 2014, 16:01:01 UTC
I was just thinking, I had a neighbor who spoke Russian
when I lived in California.

He had a dog like that too
Called 'Mulligan'
Mulligan is a golf term

Anyway his terrier, was a mix-breed I believe.

He told me that learning Russian
is easier than learning Chinese

That R letters and N get mixed up
or should just be swapped?
I can't remember exactly


andrewrostov April 5 2014, 16:17:25 UTC
R and N ? Very ineresting ))) I dont know about this...


buildalevee April 5 2014, 16:40:58 UTC
What about the word 'the'


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