Oct 07, 2009 22:30
Well, day 3 is coming to a close. Sunday night I was exhibiting signs of soar throat, but I attributed it to singing at Mass in the evening. Well, Monday morning I knew it wasn't overuse of my voice.
I had the makings of a throat infection. Now, I didn't know if it was strep or not simply because I hadn't had a fever yet. I started taking Echinacea immediately and have been twice a day since then. I've also been chugging Fruit-Breezers like there's no tomorrow as I had to sing on Monday. Other than that, some Zycam and lots of fluid.
Well, last night I couldn't get to sleep because severe sinus pressure was setting in and I felt like my brain was going to explode. I also developed an on and off fever. So, today I went to the health center and got some Amoxycilin for it. Doc thinks it's sinusitis with a side of bronchitis. -Fuck-. I really didn't want an infection because I can fight it off, not a virus. So, since the whole campus is sick, my chances of catching the flu have exploded. I just hope the Echinacea holds the after effects of the anti-biotic at bay, or I may very well get the flu by the time this is over.
Oh, and I'm sitting in my room with the lights off after I took some Visine drops, have the resolution on my screen all the way down, and I'm wearing sunglasses. This pressure is -killing my eyes. X.X IT HURTS.