Russians Invade Georgia--Alabama Wal-Mart Runs Out of Ammunition

Aug 27, 2008 14:37

I got this from my father:

>AP, August 8, 2008
>The Alabama home guard has been activated.
>Wal-Mart retail stores across Alabama sold out of ammunition within two hours
>of the announcement that Russian tanks had rolled over the Georgia border.
>One purchaser, interviewed while walking out of a Mobile, AL retail store with eight thousand
>rounds of ammunition for a variety of weapons, commented that "those Russkies may
>have gotten Georgia, but they aren't going to take Alabama without a fight!".
>The Governor's office had no comment at this time.

As an Arkansas boy, I feel obligated to spread this around, even realizing that you can probably fill in any Southern state there....  ;-)
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