Cartoon Art Museum news

Mar 10, 2009 17:28

It's been a crazy few weeks here, mostly due to things at work. First up, for those of you who are interested, here's a long interview with me at the Comic Book Resources website. NBC 11, our San Francisco affiliate, covered the Cartoon Art Museum's current Watchmen exhibition, and so did Electric Playground.

I don't know if there's video footage available on the NBC website, but I'm somewhere in the last segment on the Electric Playground thing.

I'm sure that I look completely exhausted in the video clips (and the other recent ones I've posted), since I've been dealing with a really heavy workload since last summer. The Cartoon Art Museum's Executive Director, Rod Gilchrist, went on medical leave last June because of cancer, and he passed away on February 26. Kevin Fagan wrote a piece on Rod that ran in Saturday's San Francisco Chronicle.

I don't have much to add beyond that right now, but if you knew Rod, there will be a public memorial for him at the Cartoon Art Museum on Friday, March 20.

watchmen, sf chronicle, cartoon art museum, comics, rod gilchrist, san francisco, cartoons

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