Livejournal Crossposting is dead - possibly forever

Feb 01, 2022 09:06

There's a post on the maintenance page saying that it's been failing for about a week, and that LJ won't even respond to emails about it.

And apparently Livejournal have updated their Terms of Service to ban automated posting.

So that's that!

Sorry to anyone still on LJ, but you won't be able to see my posts any more, if you still were.

I am of course, still on Dreamwidth AndrewDucker, and have no intention of moving from there unless it also gets censorious and bigoted, which seems unlikely.

Somewhat annoyingly, my 20th anniversary was in December, and I had meant to write something about that, but have had neither time nor energy to do so. I guess that I just about scraped over the line before things came to an end.
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