How work has changed in 50 years

Dec 17, 2021 10:38

This was sent round by someone at work, and they gave me permission to share the non-identifying bits:

I started on 20th December 1970. My 51 years is up on the 19th December, the day I retire.

When I first started there were no computers, one telephone between 8 people and only mechanical calculators (such as Brunsviga), or slide rules, or abaci. I had a mechanical device called the Goblin. No idea why.

One of my first jobs was to empty the grate and light the coal fire in the morning. Empty the ashtrays (smoking was compulsory), refill the inkwells and replenish the blotting paper. Although quill pens were virtually gone by then (the new-fangled fountain pen was the writing implement of choice) one old buffer insisted that I sharpen his quill every morning (not an innuendo) and thus I acquired the department penknife. Gradually the biro pen was introduced much to the chagrin of all.

My first major project was decimalisation in February 1971. It went exceptionally well. There was no IT involvement. Things have been getting more complex and difficult to do ever since.
It really is amazing how much things can change in a lifetime. From sharpening quills to everything being on the web! Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.
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